Our program is offered both in the Fall and Winter Seasons, with winter season offering to join a competitive team.
Fall: We practice 3 days a week - Tuesday / Thursday / Friday. This season on average has a broad range of skills that we train our team members on; we range from beginner motions to elite stunting to prepare for our upcoming competitive season. This team cheers at all football games which are usually on Friday nights - including away games ( transportation is provided by the athletic department). When joining our fall season team you will mandated to attend summer conditioning 1x per week as well as the mandatory cheer camp that is picked by the coach.
Winter: To join this team - your athlete must go through a tryout process. This tryout consists of learning a cheer/chant, dance and showcasing jumps and tumbling. In the 2019-2020 season we will be including a timed mile as well in our tryout requirements; the athlete must complete the mile in under 10 minutes. If your athlete makes the team they will be notified via email and given the schedule and contract for the upcoming season. Practices are held November & December 3x per week; January and February 5x per week. In this season the team must be present at all home basketball games (girls and boys). Your athlete does have the option to choose to not compete and just cheer at all basketball games, competition is not for everyone.
In both seasons all athletes are required to participate in the fundraisers. These funds go towards items like new mats, choreography expenses, banquet, new uniforms, or a certain amount off mandatory purchases deemed necessary for that season.